All That I Have Not Made

Author: Robert Sward

Title: All That I Have Not Made

ISBN: 978-1-989786-02-4 = 9781989786024

Trade Paperback: 256 pages – 6 X 9 

Suggested Retail (Paperback): $26.95

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34 Words

Four Incarnation poet Robert Sward doesn’t need a fifth to justify his claim to an important place in AMERICAN and CANADIAN poetry. These poems in “All that I have not made” prove his worth.

51 Words

There is an ocean inside Sward and he is constantly attempting to plumb its depths in search of intellectual, physical and spiritual meaning. All That I Have Not Made, Poems 1957-2020, is the definitive Sward collection, exhibiting throughout his signature style: outwardly zany and fanciful, but inwardly serious, troubled and questioning.

100 Words

All That I Have Not Made, by Guggenheim Award winner, Robert Sward, contains both new poems and a generous gathering from his 25 earlier collections, among them Uncle Dog & Other Poems; Kissing The Dancer; Heavenly Sex; Four Incarnations, and New & Selected Poems. Robert Sward’s life work has been and continues to be poetry. 50 years after his first publication, this is harvest time. From the thousand or so poems he has written since he began writing in the U.S. Navy while in the Combat Zone during the Korean War, these are the ones he has chosen to preserve.

Current Reviews:

“With this selection from the dozen or so volumes of verse he has published in the last 25 years, Robert Sward proves himself to be one of this country’s finest poets–and surely the one most neglected…”

Earle Birney
author of Half-A-Life’s History

Past Reviews:

“…the irrepressible aliveness and weird wisdom of the father-son series should win it a lasting place in the literature of our day.”

Robyn Sarah,
The Globe & Mail

“…fierce, new-minted and convincing… he has voice and a range…”

The New York Times Book Review
on Kissing The Dancer

“Here is Robert Sward, now in his sixties, still fresh, ingenuous, and funnier than ever. His life–and what a life–is an open book. You can read all about it here. What’s more, you will want to call your friends and read poems to them over the phone. I know, I’ve done it.”

Carolyn Kizer
Pulitzer Prize Winner,

“I like the wide sweep of it. There are many mysteries between father and son that people don’t talk about… There’s much leaping, but each line, so to speak, steps firmly on something solid. The father figure comes through consistently, there’s a lot of buoyancy, and the son is consistent and fine too.”

Robert Bly
author of Rosicrucian in the Basement

“The CD is terrific… Rosicrucian in the Basement unfolds perfectly at its own pace and never loses the listener.”

Dana Gioia
author of Can Poetry Matter?

“With this selection from the dozen volumes of verse he has published in the last 25 years, Robert Sward proves himself to be one of this country’s finest poets—and surely the one most neglected…”

Earle Birney
author of  Half-A-Life’s History